Megan Meier Day
Remembering Megan
October 17th
This day was created by a few students in Australia several years ago. They chose October 17th (the day Megan passed away) to remember Megan positively and raise awareness about bullying, cyberbullying, and suicide.
On this day, we remember Megan and the life she had and the life she deserved. We recognize that bullying and cyberbullying are senseless acts that can have devastating effects and could ultimately ruin lives.
Change We encourage everyone to honor Megan by performing random acts of kindness and using the hashtag #ChangeStartsWithMe. You can download more #ChangeStartsWithMe cards and #MeganMeierDay materials below.
Observe Megan Meier Day!
Wear Black & White Polka Dots
Megan loved black and white polka dots. She would paint her fingernails and toenails with black fingernail polish, use a toothpick to put on white dots and wear the ribbons in her hair and around her wrist. In Megan's honor, you can wear black and white clothing or accessories to help spread awareness about bullying, cyberbullying, and suicide.
Spread Kindness
Pass out balloons or encouraging notes in your community, and reach out to someone needing a friend; no act of kindness is too small! Click below for our kindness challenge and ideas for random acts of kindness.
Get Creative!
You can create a unique way to support Megan Meier Day. Anything you do to create awareness may help another person without you even knowing!
Share Your Photos and Stories
We encourage you and your school to participate in Megan Meier Day every October 17th and share the creative ways you raised awareness on bullying and cyberbullying. You can share photos and stories with the Foundation by emailing us and using #ChangeStartsWithMe and #MeganMeierDay on your social media accounts.